English Club in Santiago, Chile

English Club in Santiago, Chile

As an educator, I believe in the transformative power of the arts. My approach to teaching is student-centered and I value collaboration in the classroom. I encourage students to think critically about art and use it as a tool to learn about sociocultural issues. I strive to promote creativity and help students build confidence with self-expression. Through hands-on learning experiences, students build skills and create artwork with personal meaning. Most importantly, I favor process over product. My goal is to provide a nurturing learning environment where students can share their ideas and reach their full potential.

I also support community-based art education. Students should have opportunities to connect with their community and the rest of the world. I think learning should extend outside the classroom, especially through after-school and extracurricular activities. Art programming that is combined with youth development is especially beneficial. Students are able to interact with professional artists and develop real world knowledge. It is important that I practice what I teach and stay active in my own artistic pursuits. I enjoy sharing my experience as an artist and photographer to help students reach their academic and creative goals.

Teaching in The Gambia, West Africa

Teaching in The Gambia, West Africa

Printmaking demonstration on SA Live

Printmaking demonstration on SA Live